The Early Childhood Ministry (ECM) is specifically designed for your little ones (infants-preschoolers). No matter the stage your child is at, our ECM has something for them.
Nursery (Infants)
Infants can play, swing, and toddle in a safe and clean environment with our friendly volunteers in a room stocked full of age appropriate toys and books.
Toddler Room (age 18 mo. to 3 yrs.)
An exciting room where kids will play together, hear a short Bible story, and work on coloring pages and simple crafts. Volunteers also serve a light snack during service. It’s a fun room with plenty to do.
Preschool Room (ages 3-4)
Your preschooler will sing songs, learn simple memory verses, hear a Bible story, work on a craft and eat a light snack. Kids also have a free time to play with age appropriate game and toys. Be sure to ask your child what they learned about at the end of service!
(Available Year-Round)
Sunday | 9 & 10:45AM
Nursery (Infants)
Your infant will spend time playing with our exceptional volunteers. Snacks are available during this time.
Toddler Room (age 18 mo. to 3 yrs.)
Your toddler will go through the Sunlight Kids program where they focus on one Bible story per month and get to play games and build crafts that correspond with the story.
Preschool Room (ages 3-4)
Your preschooler will go through the Rainbows program where they learn a Bible story, memory verse, and a character theme to develop each month.
(Available During the School Year)
wednesday | 7PM
KIDS (K-5)
Kids Ministry is designed for kids (kindergarten -5th grade) to have fun, learn God’s Word, and help establish a strong biblical foundation.
Sunday | 9AM & 10:45AM
Your child is invited to join us in Kids Church for high energy worship, games, and exploring God’s Word through exciting Bible Stories.
(Available Year-Round)
Wednesday | 7PM
Kindergarten - 5th graders will come together for a time of worship and Bible teaching.
Then kids move into small groups divided by grades where they will continue learning through games, activities, crafts, and memory verses.
(Available During the School Year)
Check-in and Pick Up
Each child dropped off into an ECM room or at Kids Church, needs to be checked in at one of our check-in kiosks or at the ECM front desk. Parents/Guardians will receive a name tag for their child(ren), a parent tag to be shown at the time of pick up, and; if applicable, a diaper bag tag. New guests to our church should go directly to the ECM desk for assistance to register your child(ren). Our goal is to maintain your child’s safety at all times while they are in the care of our church volunteers.
If your child has a special need or a food allergy please alert the Early Childhood Director at the ECM front desk.
Wednesday family night
Our Wednesday Family Night program at BVAG will break during the summer months for both kids and adults. Our youth group will continue to meet on Wednesdays at 6:30PM.
Check out other summer opportunities for our kids such as summer camp and VBS!